Settling The Whole Bill Again? Not With Tulix Jars.
Tulix Team

There’s something relaxing about getting together with friends at the end of a tough day or week to unwind and exchange stories. It often starts with a couple of drinks, maybe a happy hour at your local cafe, then a few snacks later, the bill has racked up and you’re not exactly sure who should pay for what.
Actually, if we’re being honest, everyone can easily confirm their individual orders…but there may be a hidden expectation that “someone” will cover the entire bill. Maybe you’re the “someone” who’s often left paying for everything.
At first, you don’t mind because you value spending quality time with your friends. Eventually, they stop asking whether to chip in so you keep paying to avoid creating awkward tension in the friend group. After all, someone else may offer to pay next time right? But as the bills pile up, so does resentment—why won’t anyone step up?
Taking the First Step
Money makes the world go round but it kills many conversations before they start. Sharing how you feel is the only way to move forward. If you’ve been in this situation enough times, you might want to try something like, “Hey guys, I don’t mind paying the whole bill sometimes but can we split it evenly tonight?”
Expect some shock and maybe even hesitation but ideally, everyone came prepared to foot their own bill even if they expected you to. So stand your ground and if someone is unable to pay at the time jointly agree on when they will reimburse you.
You may feel uncomfortable at first but it’s better in the long run because you’re setting healthy boundaries and sticking to your budget so you can continue spending money on what you value.
Making Money Talks Easier
Now that you’ve done the hardest part let’s make splitting future bills easier for you and your friends. We built Jars to help people split and track individual and shared finances but what does that look like in day to day life?
Let’s say it’s another night at your local and you don’t want the bill ruining the mood—hopefully, by this time everyone is on board with splitting the bill. Simply say, “I’ve created a Jar for our outings on Tulix and sent you a link, can you guys add your share to the Jar?”
As you use your Jar to split bills with your friends, create another Jar or two to track your individual expenses like fuel or shopping. Over time, using Jars can help you initiate regular conversations about financial goals so that your friend group is winning.
One such conversation could be a goal for everyone to create individual emergency funds and consistently add to them no matter how small the amount. You can all support each other by budgeting for cheaper activities like cooking at home rather than eating out.
Getting Started
Money conversations aren’t going to disappear but they can get easier to navigate once everyone starts to understand their individual relationship with money.
A simple night out with friends can be a big learning opportunity because everyone values the time spent together. So how can everyone budget for this shared value? Learn all you can do with Jars here and create your first one today.